iOS 4.3 to introduce personal hotspot feature.

The new Verizon CDMA iPhone 4 has been announced in the US and one of the new features they noticed in the special “test” version of iOS 4.2.5 (current release is 4.2.1) was a personal hotspot feature similar to the MiFi and other similar 3G hotspot devices.

I’ve seen this feature in other phones before and it’s a great idea. I currently use a Netcomm MyZone for this but would be able to do away with a 3G hotspot if I could just start one up on my iPhone.

Apparently though it will require your carrier to allow support for it as well, so who knows if Telstra and the other carries here in Australia will allow it.

Personal Hotspot is apparently due for release in iOS 4.3 and as yet there is no firm date on when it will be released. There hasn’t even been a beta version released yet to developers to check out so stay tuned!

Just drifting away…

Drift Cafe in Brisbane’s suburb of Milton is right near our Brisbane office just off Coronation Drive located on a floating barge moored to the banks of the Brisbane river.

Reports last night of it starting to flood, this morning at 9am… well Drift just drifted away!

Brisbane Flooding getting worse.

I’m sure you’re all watching the coverage of Brisbane’s floods on TV.

We have an office in the riverside suburb of Milton one of the first suburbs in Brisbane itself to suffer from flooding. Our office is on the ground floor and expect the car park to be flooded however it’s quite likely with the peak due tomorrow that the water might get that high!

Luckily all our staff in Brisbane is safe and at home and looking after themselves. Thought I would share some pics I’ve seen so far online including Milton not far from our office!

UPDATE: Here is a link to a live stream coming from Milton overlooking Coronation Drive: