Apple Reportedly Using “iCloud” Name Internally

by Alex Jordanon May 2nd, 2011 on iSource

002726-icloud.jpgAppleInsider is reporting that Apple is using the “iCloud” name internally, when referring to integration of the service in builds of iOS 5 and Mac OS X Lion.
Here’s an excerpt:

According to people familiar with the matter, Apple is prepping beta versions of both iOS 5.0 and Mac OS X Lion ahead of its annual developers conference that integrate with a service dubbed “iCloud,” enabling users to sync and store much of the same information they currently can with the company’s existing MobileMe service, such as bookmarks, email, contacts and iCal events.

The report also notes that the new iCloud service will likely deal with more than just music- possibly even storing photos and video content. Granted we’ve been hearing more about the music storage aspect of the service as of late, but this news shouldn’t come as a surprise either. We’ve heard rumblings that Apple is working on a MobileMe overhaul that would also store video and photo content.

I strongly suspect that this online music storage service won’t be it’s own product, but an additional offering of the overhauled MobileMe, which will be called iCloud once it’s launched. Plus, I suspect features currently offered like will be added to the “iCloud” name. Now, I’m still iffy on whether the Apple will charge for the service, or if it will be free, in an attempt to add value to the company’s current platforms.

About Darren
Support technician, currently working for a tier-1 internet provider in Australia providing video conferencing support to the education sector.

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