Facebook adds Skype Video Chat

by Leena Rao on TechCrunch

Skype CEO Tony Bates just took the stage at today’s Facebook eventannouncing integrated video calling, group chat and new design today and revealed a number of new stats regarding video calling on the VoIP platform. Bates said that Skype users are averaging 300 million minutes per month of video calling. Bates says that 50 percent of Skype’s traffic is video calling.

Back in December, Skype told us that video calling represented 40 percent of all Skype calls, so clearly the interaction with video is growing.

As Bates tells members of the press of the Facebook-Skype integration, For us we think this makes a lot of business sense. Thinking about having Skype paid products on the web. We look forward to bringing video calling powered by Skype on Facebook to every one of you out there.

Bates expects the Facebook integration to considerably increase video calling traffic for Skype.

You can read more about the recently announced Skype-Facebook integration here. And you can also see Skype’s mobile video strategy here.

About Darren
Support technician, currently working for a tier-1 internet provider in Australia providing video conferencing support to the education sector.

One Response to Facebook adds Skype Video Chat

  1. My experiences with video web conferencing with my patients in India while I am half way across the world:

    East is East and West is West