I’m back… it’s been awhile!

Hi everyone,

I’m back after a long hiatus, yes it’s been awhile!

It indeed has been a crazy time, work and personal commitments have kept me busy and the motivation to keep updates going was just not there.

But I’ll try to keep things updated a bit more.

So what’s been going on? LOTS!

We saw lots of Apple things happening, indeed the IT sector has been buzzing like never before with the OS wars, the tablet wars, the smartphone wars, patent wars and lots of new shiney gadgets and fuzzy feel good marketing to make us part with our hard earned dollars.

I’ve yet to update to a new iPad 3, although I’ve seen how good they are and Apple doesn’t disappoint!

It will be interesting to see what the next iteration of the iPhone will bring. Rumours suggest a larger screen, faster, more storage and more internal gadgets to make us want one.

Let’s see what comes next!

About Darren
Support technician, currently working for a tier-1 internet provider in Australia providing video conferencing support to the education sector.

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