It’s finally here!

Yep that’s right Apple lovers everywhere are rejoicing and Android fanbois are preparing their hate filled rants.

So much has been covered about the new iPhone 5 already in the last 12 hours I’m not going to bother.

Suffice to say… Nice one Apple!

So it’s September 12 tomorrow….

Which means it’s Apple’s media event day, or as we all like to thin iPhone 5 launch day!

Actually for us in Australia its the early hours of Thursday morning. First think I’ll be doing that morning is watching the keynote address to see all theĀ  big news.

Speculation has been rife and many leaked photos and videos so it’s going to be interesting how much of all that turns out to be hype or truth!

So what are you looking for in the new iPhone? I never went to the 4S as I considered it not to be enough of an upgrade. Here’s my wish list:

  • Larger screen – Not sure if I like the look of the new screen, it’s longer not wider.
  • Near Field Chip – Hoping to store my digital passes onto the one device.
  • Retina Display – Loving my iPad 3 screen, can’t wait for larger hi res screen on the iPhone.
  • iOS 6 – Been testing a beta of this, coupled with new phone should be awesome.
  • Increased capacity – I use mine to store a lot of music, iCloud and music match isn’t quite there yet.
  • Headphone jack at the bottom – makes sense!
  • Increased durability – metal back should be better, no more shattered backs!

Guess we’ll all be back here in 2 days to comment about all the new features released. Then the fun begins on watching the stock hunt as it gets released and sells out.

I’m wondering if Apple will continue its practise of a slow controlled release of stock to keep up the demand/hype. It certainly works in marketing terms but it’s a pain in the ass when you have to shop around half of Melbourne to find stock!

Stay Tuned!