Parrot AR Drone 2.0 Blue LED Mod

I had some stick on adjustable blue LED’s I got free with some other LED packs I bought for my car and decided to stick them on the AR Drone 2.0 tonight.

It’s a basic mod, but you can adjust the LED’s on a swivel which allows you to point them up into the props for a nice effect or down onto the ground or forward/backward.

It’s a start!

Outdoor Flight #1 – Multiple Perspectives

I added the footage taken from my iPhone 5 today into another clip and synced it using picture in picture (PiP).

I used iMovie to make these clips, makes it much easier to edit and publish to Youtube etc.

Results speak for themselves!

Outdoor Flight #1 – Parrot AR Drone 2.0

Managed to get some flight time in today (Melbourne Cup) in between races.

Typical Melbourne weather is sunny one minute, rain and blowing a gale next! Luckily for the most part the wind was around 10km/h gusts and only sporadic.

This time I used the outdoor hull only. This only protects the drone itself but leaves the propellers exposed but these are pretty flexable. I only managed to crash once on the grash with no damage sustained.

I’ve also been flying around my unit’s driveway when the weather hasn’t been raining and storming. Will post some of the video from these later.