AR Drone 2.0 – Prop Balancing

Prop is now balanced

From time to time your props will get nicks and scrapes and need balancing. Also props that are new seems to all need balancing on once side due to the injection molding process leaving more weight on one side probably due to gravity pulling the material down during the mould process.

In any case you will need to balance your prop. To do this you need to place the prop onto a shaft of some sort horizontal and spin it around to find which side is heavier than the other. One you know which side is light you can add a small piece of electrical tape on the under side of that light end at the very end of the prop. Add a longer strip and trim off small bits at a time until you get the right amount and the prop sits straight on the shaft and does not favour one side or the other.

One side is heavy

Add a small strip of tape







Doing this helps with vibration and stability in flight and can even mean you use less battery and certainly less wear on your motors, shafts and gears.

Give it a try it works!

About Darren
Support technician, currently working for a tier-1 internet provider in Australia providing video conferencing support to the education sector.

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