

About Me

My name is Darren and this is my blog!

Who am I you ask? Well I am 37 and I live and work in Melbourne, Australia.

I work for a tier-1 internet provider here in Australia that provides a national network to the education sector. We have offices all over Australia but I am based in Carlton, Melbourne.

I’m married to a wonderful woman who keeps me from getting myself into too much trouble and we live in the south eastern suburbs of Melbourne.

I love all things technical and willing to test any gadget passed my way!

I’m an avid apple fan and I use a WiFi iPad, an iPhone 4 (with iOS 4 Beta’s – I’m a registered Apple Developer) and a 15″ Macbook Pro as well as an Apple TV 2 on a daily basis and haven’t looked back after 20 years of swearing off Mac’s! I’ve seen the light!

UPDATE: I’m on a mission to convert the Wife to Apple next šŸ™‚

About My Blog

This is just a fun thing, allows me to share my thoughts and the things I see and find with my friends and collegues and other interested parties. I’ll post funny stuff, weird shite, technology news, anything to do with Apple or the iPhone/iPad and anything else I deem worthy to share.


Yes we all have to have one, whilst I endeavor to check the validity of everything I post, I do have a life so occasionally something might slip past me. I make no claims that anything I post is accurate past my own sense of this warped universe so deal with it!

By all means drop me a line if you like and let me know if there is an omission or mistake and I’ll be more than happy to edit a post, or delete anything deemed objectionable or infringes anyone’s intellectual property or copyright… just let me know!

End of transmission…